MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX, USA
Ashish M. Kamat is a Professor of Urology and Wayne B. Duddlesten Professor of Cancer Research at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX . Dr He is a graduate of the AUA Leadership Program and Associate Cancer Center Director, RFHNH, Mumbai.
Dr. Kamat is a recognized expert in urologic oncology with an emphasis on bladder cancer, organ sparing and minimally invasive techniques. Dr Kamat maintains an active research portfolio in this area with a focus on efforts to develop novel therapies, and identifying predictors of response to therapy (e.g. intravesical immunotherapy), as a first step towards personalized cancer therapeutics. He has initiated, led, and been active in several large studies including multinational trials in bladder cancer; these findings have been published in high impact journals. He is a co-PI on the MD Anderson GU SPORE (Bladder). Dr Kamat is an exceptional educator, as Program Director grew the MD Anderson Urologic Oncology Fellowship into a top program in the US and been selected twice for the Robert M. Chamberlain Distinguished Mentor Award.
Dr Kamat has authored numerous editorials, book chapters, and over 245 publications in peer reviewed journals, and serves on the editorial board of high ranked journals. He is listed in 'Who's Who in Medicine' and ‘Best Doctors in America’ and has won the ‘Compassionate Doctor Award’ from patient groups. He is recognized internationally for his efforts and has been invited as a visiting professor to several universities; to deliver invited plenary sessions; to chair related committees eg: Society of Immunotherapy for Cancer (SITC); and as an AUA International Faculty.
Dr Kamat is President of the IBCN and IBCG, actively participates in various Global urologic efforts, serves on the board of societies (SCS AUA, Texas Urologic Society, SUO – CTC) and in patient advocacy groups such as BCAN.
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