Medical Student
Uniformed Services University, School of Medicine
2LT Perry Wiseman was born in Portsmouth, Virginia. He graudated as a Distinguished Military Graduate, recipeint of the George C. Marshall Award and received his commission from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. 2LT Wiseman entered the Army as an Army Nurse Corps Officer in 2011. He also a graduate from the AMEDD Captains Career Course and is board certified as a Certified Emergency Nurse and a Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse.
2LT Wiseman is a Medical Student at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. He previously served as the HHC Commander at Troop Command- Fort Belvoir Community Hospital responsible for 349 service members in over 50 Military Occupation Specialties and Areas of Concentrations. These Soldiers compired the Regional Health Command- Atlantic, Soldiers within Fort Belvoir Community Hospital and Soldiers within the Army Military Civilian Trauma Training Team (AMCT3). Other roles include Alpha Company Commander- Troop Command- Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, Deputy Director for Training and Education at the United States Army Military Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Emergency Medical Treatment Section Nurse (21st CSH)/ Advance Trauma Life Support Nurse (67th FST) in Kuwait/Iraq and Surgical Intermediate Care Nurse and Medical Surgical Nurse at Brook Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX.
2LT Wiseman's military awards and decorations include: Meritorious Service Medial (1 OLC), Army Commendation Medial (2 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (1 OLC). He is authorized to wear the Air Assault Badge and Parachutist Badge. 2LT Wiseman resides in Frederick, MD with his wife Catherine.
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