Genoa, Liguria, Italy
Maurizo Aiello, CEO of React4life with international experience in company growth, execution, innovation. Specialties are: strategic vision and ability to create innovation, starting from basic and applied research and reaching the market. At present, he launched 3 startups born from basic research.
He holds a physics degree in nuclear physics in 1994. He has been Technologist at National Research Council of Italy since 2001 and Professor at the University of Genoa.
From 2014 to 2020 Aiello was Italian delegate for European Commission Horizon 2020 "Secure Societies" program; board member in different companies and institution, and scientific councils: among them former president of the SIIT Technology District, CEO of Cleis Security, board member at Italian Institute of Communications and others.
Author of more than 60 articles in international journals, international conferences, white papers; research activity in bioengineering, cybersecurity and infrastructure management. Hacker, with competences in development of cyberattacks and cyberweapons to IoT devices and networking infrastructure. Author of “slowdroid” denial of service attack.
Since 2017 Maurizio Aiello is founder and CEO of React4life s.r.l., an Italian biotech company that develops organ on chip technologies for accelerating the human disease understanding and novel personalized therapies development; React4life has won several international awards and projects, and recently the Innovation Radar award from European Commission as best Health technology 2021.
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