Interventionist, Intelligence Analyst, Subject Matter Specialist
New Jersey State Police Office of Drug Monitoring and Analysis
West Trenton, New Jersey, United States
Michele Schreffler-Perez, began her executive management career in compounding pharmaceuticals specializing in chronic pain management delivery for patients with intrathecal (IT) pumps dealing with pain or spasticity and Intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) and Intraperitoneal nutrition (IPN) solutions for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In 2011, she transitioned her career focus to substance use disorders and recovery oriented systems of care. As a Recovery Coach Professional, Interventionist, Program Developer, and a Recovery Coach Trainer, she has created and implemented recovery support service programs collaboratively with law enforcement and other state agencies and institutions throughout New Jersey and across the nation to Washington State. Michele joined the Drug Monitoring Initiative in 2019, where her role as an intelligence analyst and subject matter specialists, integrates her area of expertise to incorporate diverse strategies and development for products and programs with the Office of Drug Monitoring and Analysis. Michele actively participates in current state initiatives as she continues to strive for positive change by bridging identified gaps for the ever challenging arena of Substance Use & Mental Health Disorders.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.