president and chief executive officer
Medical Revenue Cycle Specialists
Kem Tolliver is the President & CEO of Medical Revenue Cycle Specialists. She is also the co-author of Revenue Cycle Management: Don't Get Lost in the Financial Maze as well as the co-host of, "RevDive Podcast." She has earned a reputation as a transformational healthcare leader holding Bachelor of Science degrees in Healthcare Administration and Organizational Management; Summa Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude respectively. Kem's certifications include: Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE), Certified Professional Coder (CPC) and Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM). Kem is enthusiastically focused on mapping technology to Revenue Cycle workflows to improve organization income potential while reducing staff burden and improving patient care delivery. She sits on the Board of a Washington, DC based ACO and leads state-wide projects leverage technology innovations into care improvement, cost reduction and minimizing provider burnout. Kem lends her expertise to several industry executive boards to include MGMA's Evaluation and Management Workgroup and Novitas JL Advisory Committee. The State of Maryland awarded Kem with the Governor's Volunteer Service citation for her work in the Maryland General Assembly years 2015-2018. Kem was awarded 2019 Heart of Gold Award by Heart to Hand, Inc. 501 (c) (3) Community based public health service for medical practice leadership. She was nominated by Nexus Health, Fort Washington Medical Center for the 2016 Community Health Award. Kem earned Maryland MGMA's Outstanding Service Award. Medical practice's directed by Kem have received MGMA Better Performing Practice distinctions in the areas of Accounts Receivables and Collections.
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