Assistant Director, Office of Public Health
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Beth Connolly is the Assistant Director of the Office of Public Health, within the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP/OPH). In this role Ms. Connolly oversees the development and implementation of public health approaches to reducing drug use and its consequences focusing on prevention, harm reduction, treatment, workforce and recovery-ready workplaces, and recovery support services.
Ms. Connolly brings more than thirty years of public health and human services experience, in both government and non-profit sectors, to ONDCP. Beth served for thirty years in the New Jersey Department of Human Services, concluding her state government career as the Department’s Commissioner. Her government experience includes serving people who are often underrepresented and face social challenges such as homelessness and a lack of health care. During her tenure she shepherded reforms related to behavioral health, Medicaid and its expansion, safety net programs, child welfare, and the adoption of home- and community-based support services.
After leaving state government, Ms. Connolly joined the Pew Charitable Trusts. There she directed the substance use prevention and treatment initiative leading research and technical assistance efforts across the federal government and states to promote evidence-based transformation of the treatment system, expand the substance use disorder workforce, optimize coverage and reimbursement for effective treatment, and improve the delivery and coordination of care for underserved populations.
Beth holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and a Master in Public Administration both from Seton Hall University.
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