Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine
UT Southwestern, United States
Deborah B. Diercks, MD, MSc, FACEP is Professor and Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center where she holds the Audre and Bernard Rapoport Distinguished Chair in Clinical Care and Research. As a nationally recognized leader in the specialty, Dr. Diercks oversees the Emergency Medicine programs at UT Southwestern University Hospitals and Parkland Health & Hospital System, which together constitute one of the largest Emergency Medicine programs in the nation. Dr. Diercks has collaborated in studies involving the identification of acute coronary syndrome in the emergency department, including the use of cardiac injury markers and novel electrocardiogram techniques, and evaluated the observation unit care of the chest pain patient. She has participated in therapeutic trials for congestive heart failure and acute coronary syndrome. She served on the Board of Directors for SAEM and held many position included President. She is still actively involved with SAEM. Dr. Diercks is on the Board of Directors for the ACC Accreditation Services, formerly Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care. Additionally, she is active in several committees of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and American College of Emergency Physicians.
AACEM (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Board Member/Advisory Panel