Session: APS Respiration Physiology Last Chance Poster Session
(964.1) Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome disrupts the ventral swallow pattern generator in germline-GCaMP6F mouse
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E653
Nicholas Mellen (University of Louisville), Leo Lane (Spalding University ), Kimberly Iceman (University of Louisville), Jun Cai (University of Louisville), Boris Gourévitch (INSERM, Institut Pasteur, Sorbonne Université ), Teresa Pitts (University of Louisville)
Opioid exposure during gestation can lead to neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) at birth. A feature of NOWS is dysphagia. To better understand the contribution of dysregulated central control to dysphagia in NOWs infants, we compared fictive swallow in neonate (P2-P6) control mice and mice exposed to methadone from E14.5 onwards. Propriobulbar interneuronal and cranial premotoneuronal networks that coordinate orofacial and laryngeal activity during feeding, as well as constituents of the ventral respiratory column were recorded optically in mice expressing the genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator GCaMP6F in the germline. In the sagittally-sectioned isolated brainstem, swallow can be evoked by electrical stimulation of command neurons along the dorsomedial edge of the preparation. In vitro swallow is defined as a burst at the hypoglossal nerve (XIIn) unaccompanied by phrenic (C4) motor output. In control animals evoked swallow was accompanied by sequential activation of networks dorsal and medial to the facial nucleus (VIIn), a nucleus in the intermediate reticular formation implicated in vibrissal control (vIRT), and (pre-)motoneurons along the nucleus ambiguus (NA). In opioid-exposed pups fictive swallow could reliably be evoked, but only networks dorsomedial to VIIn were reliably activated, while vIRT and NA networks were silent. The distribution of ChAT+, phox2b+, and SST+ neurons was the same in control and MTD-exposed mice, as were the networks active during inspiration. These findings suggest that dysphagia may at least in part be due to network-level dysregulation of central networks mediating swallow, but not to gross developmental abnormality of these networks. Because neonate feeding behaviors are highly conserved in mammals, these findings suggest that the sagittally-sectioned mouse hindbrain provides a platform to investigate the contribution of central networks to dysphagia in NOWS infants.
Support or Funding Information
This work was supported by the NIH NS110169 and HL155721; the Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust; the Commonwealth of Kentucky Challenge for Excellence; and the Craig F. Neilsen Foundation CNF546714.
lt;pgt;This work was supported by the NIH NS110169 and HL155721; the Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust; the Commonwealth of Kentucky Challenge for Excellence; and theamp;nbsp;lt;span style="font-size: 1em;"gt;Craig F. Neilsen Foundation;/spangt;lt;/pgt;