Session: 761 APS Gene Transcription and Translation in Hypoxia Poster Session
(761.9) Gene Expression Changes Associated with Acute Mountain Sickness After Rapid Altitude Exposure at The South Pole
Monday, April 4, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E512
M. Byrd (Mayo Clinic), Courtney Wheatley-Guy (Mayo Clinic), Diane Grill (Mayo Clinic), Meredith Shea (Mayo Clinic), Nicole Herman (Mayo Clinic), Bruce Johnson (Mayo Clinic)
Many individuals travel to high altitude each year. Acclimatization to altitude occurs over the course of several days as the body adequately adapts to function in an environment with reduced partial pressure of oxygen. However, with a faster accent to attitude, comes an increased potential for maladaptations to occur, leading to the development of acute mountain sickness (AMS). Each year scientists and support workers are transported by plane from McMurdo Station in Antarctica (sea level) to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (2835m). This uniform and rapid deployment to altitude provides a unique opportunity to study the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on gene expression, which may help to illustrate the body’s ability to acclimatize to these environmental conditions.
Purpose: To detect pathway specific gene expression changes associated with the development of AMS and help identify potential targets that may aid in the prediction of risk in the development of AMS symptoms due to rapid exposure to high altitude.
Methods: Venous blood samples were collected from 53 (height 176.65±8.91cm, weight: 80.49±14.36kg) healthy subjects (38 (27 males; 11 females) that did not develop AMS and 15 (10 males; 5 females) that did develop AMS, as defined by the Lake Louis symptom questionnaire, collected at 2 different time points, with the first being at sea level and the second being after 48hr of altitude exposure). Microarray analysis was performed on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from the collected samples, and a logistic regression was performed to determine probe set association with AMS.
Results: There was a total of 178 significant (plt;0.05) probe sets, with 156 of the probe sets being associated with AMS and 22 of the probe sets being associated with no AMS. The probe sets were entered into the Reactome Pathway Database ( Pathways identified in association with AMS involved immune system pathways (interleukin signaling) and cellular responses to stimuli pathways (oxidative stress induced senescence signaling), and gene transcription pathways (mitochondrial biogenesis signaling, differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells). Interestingly, pathways identified in association with no development of AMS involved cell cycling pathways (mitotic signaling), chromatin organization pathways (chromatin modifying enzymes), metabolism pathways (utilization of ketone bodies) and the circadian clock pathway (circadian gene expression signaling).
Conclusion: These findings indicate potential maladaptive responses within the immune system and mitochondrial function, may play a key role in why some individuals develop AMS symptoms. An individual’s ability to sufficiently utilize different metabolic fuel sources and adapt their circadian rhythm may also prevent the development of AMS symptoms.
This study was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and Mayo Clinic Center for Translational Science Activity (CTSA).