A global pandemic due to the coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) was declared in March 11 of 2020. The RNA COVID-19 virus is part of the coronaviridae family and causes severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The progression of the disease can lead to respiratory issues that necessitate mechanical assistance, such as ventilation and intensive care. Daily reports of COVID-19 cases informed citizens of the severity of the pandemic in their area and in many cases, guided government responses like masks mandates and lockdowns. This study investigates the reporting of COVID-19 cases in Kleberg County, Texas, USA. Data reported in social media by Kleberg County from July 2020 to April 2021 is compared to COVID-19 cases reported by the The New York Times. This study also includes a further look at case distribution between males and females in Kleberg County. Results indicate that The New York Times reported 793 more cases than Kleberg County during this time and there were 36 more male than female cases. Transparent and accurate data reporting is crucial for public health efforts. The disparity in COVID cases highlights the need for better reporting of accurate data and reflects the inaccurate and sometimes inadequate response to the pandemic in Kleberg County.