Session: 697 Modeling, Mutations, and Structural Studies
(697.5) N-terminal Intrinsic Disorder of G Protein Gamma Subunits Is Important for Their Function as Governors of G Protein Signaling
Monday, April 4, 2022
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: B87
Xinya Su (Georgia Institute of Technology), Wei Li (Georgia Institute of Technology), Yui Tik Pang (Georgia Institute of Technology), James Gumbart (Georgia Institute of Technology), Matthew Torres (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Presenting Author Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia
Emerging evidence suggests that heterotrimeric G protein gamma subunits (Gγ) are important governors of G protein signaling, a function that is mediated through GPCR- and pH-dependent combinatorial phosphorylation of their intrinsically disordered N-terminal tails (Gγ-Nt) that controls Gβγ/effector interactions and signaling. Intrinsic disorder is a universally conserved structural feature of all Gγ subunit N-termini, which prompted us to hypothesize that, beyond phosphorylation, intrinsic disorder itself is inherently important to the signal-governing roles of Gγ subunits. To test this hypothesis we devised a strategy in which single amino acid substitutions are sequentially introduced into the Gγ tail, producing a series of isoforms that proceed step-wise from a fully-disordered to fully-ordered (α-helical) Nt tail structure. As a control for the increasing mutation load, we compare these mutants to those in which the same number of amino acid substitutions are incorporated that do not alter the inherent structural disorder of the tail. These mutant isoforms were then structurally analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) in vitro, by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in silico, and by functional analysis of Gβγ-dependent molecular signaling in vivo. Here, we apply this approach to the yeast Gγ subunit, Ste18. CD and MD analyses of Ste18-Nt tail isoforms indicate that a successful transition from a fully-disordered to fully-ordered state is achievable through precise point mutation. Replacing the wild type Gγ subunit with each of the mutant isoforms in yeast, we further show that intrinsic disorder of Gγ-Nt controls the stability of the Gγ subunit in a manner that is proportional to the loss of intrinsic disorder in vivo. pH-dependent phosphorylation at Ser3 in the tail is largely unaffected by these changes. However, unexpectedly, we found that the GPCR-dependent phosphorylation site, Ser7, becomes pH-sensitive in response to changes in tail structure. Ongoing experiments reveal the effects of Ste18-Nt tail structure on the interaction of yeast Gbg with its primary effector Ste5, and subsequent effects on activation of MAPKs, which have been shown to be highly sensitive to Gγ-Nt tail phosphorylation previously. Taken together, these data provide evidence that intrinsic structural disorder plays a direct role in functionality of Gγ subunits as governors of G proteins signaling and substantiates the rationale for exploring similar roles for these tails in mammalian Gβγ-dependent signaling pathways.
This work was funded in part by National Institutes of Health grant R01-GM117400 to M.T, R01-GM123169 to J.C.G., and by the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology via grants NSF-DMS1764406 and Simons Foundation/SFARI-594594 to M.T. Computational resources were provided through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE; TG-MCB130173), which is supported by NSF Grant Nation. This work also used the Hive cluster, which is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 1828187 and is managed by the Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Sequential targeted point mutations are used to create a step-wise transition from intrinsically disordered to structurally ordered (α-helical) N-termini of Gγ subunits. Cartoon graphics of the Gγ subunit mutant isoforms accurately depict the shift in secondary structure from that of random coil to rigid α-helix as determined by prediction, circular dichroism, and molecular dynamics simulation. The mutant isoforms are used to replace the wild type tail in vivo to study their effect on signaling.