Session: 732 APS Ion Channels, Transporters, and Pumps in Health and Disease Poster Session
(732.17) Dent Disease in Drosophila: An Unexpected Model to Study the Relationship Between a Cl- Transporter and Ca2+
Monday, April 4, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E262
Carmen Reynolds (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine amp; Science), Julian Dow (University of Glasgow), Michael Romero (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine amp; Science)
Presenting Author Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science
Mutations in the 2Cl-/H+ transporter CLC-5 cause Dent Disease Type 1 (DD1) and lead to progressive renal failure by age 20-40. A major characteristic of DD1 is the renal mishandling of Ca2+ that increases urinary Ca2+ excretion, calcium oxalate (CaOx) kidney stones, and kidney calcification. Interestingly, none of the DD1 symptoms include or relate to Cl- homeostasis despite impaired transport function. Thus, how does a Cl- transporter cause Ca2+ dysregulation?
Our laboratory has identified Drosophila Clc-c to be the homolog of CLC-5 with conserved amino acids at DD1 mutation sites. We hypothesize that Clc-c shares functional similarities in Cl- transport and Ca2+ homeostasis. To test our hypothesis, we used electrophysiology to measure ion transport, and then assessed CaOx crystal formation in adult fly renal tubules (Malpighian tubules, MTs) of Drosophila.
Voltage clamp experiments with Xenopus oocytes show that Clc-c is electrogenic with the same outward-rectifying current in Cl- solutions as observed with human CLC-5. Next, knockdown flies (Clc-c-KD) were generated by crossing Uro-Gal4 (MT driver) with UAS-Clc-c-RNAi flies, resulting in 50% Clc-c mRNA expression in the MTs. Crystals in adult MT (7 days after eclosure) were present in 100% of Clc-c-KD compared to 71% of control flies. The average number of crystals in adult tubule pairs was significantly greater in Clc-c-KD flies (15±4 crystals per pair) than control flies (5±2 crystals, P= 0.02). When fed a diet with 2mM NaOx ClcC-KD for 4 days, Clc-c-KD flies had a significantly greater number of crystals in each tubule (24±5 crystals) than controls (4±2 crystals, P=0.005). However, the KD flies did not produce more crystals than control flies when fed a supraphysiological concentration of sodium oxalate (20 mM NaOx diet) for 1 or 4 days and in ex vivo assays of dissected MTs submerged in solution containing 10 mM NaOx for 1 hour.
In conclusion, Drosophila Clc-c has both identical sequences at DD1 mutation sites and similar biophysical functions to human CLC-5. Furthermore, Clc-c-KD increases incidence of CaOx crystals which corresponds to the increased risks for kidney stones in DD1 patients. With this fly-DD1 model, we will be able to assess the relationship of Clc-c Cl- transport to renal Ca deposits. Future experiments will evaluate renal pathophysiology of DD1 mutations and their relationship to Ca2+ transport in Clc-c transgenic flies.