Session: 670 Antibacterial targets and drug discovery I
(670.10) Genesis of Antibiotic Resistance (AR) LXXXVIII: Turbulence Modeling(TM) of Hemodynamics in Simplified Severe Sepsis Protocol-2 (SSSP-2)-NCT01663701: “Hypnotic Trance Ameliorate Turbulence to Laminar Flow (Homeostasis)”: A Neuropsychiatric Basis
Monday, April 4, 2022
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: A373
Hector Montoya (City of Eagle Pass Water Works), Jorge Flores (City of Eagle Pass Water Works), Subburaj Kannan (Southwest Texas Junior College)
An effort is made to substantiate that vascular abnormalities (fluid dynamic/mechanical properties) could be restored to homeostasis by an appropriate hypnotic trance. Clinical
Background: Sepsis: Clinical data/Record(observation): decreased capillary density ref Fig 4 c., PMID: 34055944, hypovolemia, endothelial dysfunction, increased WBC accumulation, thrombi deposition, altered CCP, NFP gradient, shunting, degradation of endothelial glycocalyx, vascular hyper permeability (PMID: 23566729; PMID: 20179590; PMID: 24067428), as an indicator of sepsis progress to septic shock. Neuropsychiatry diagnostic index: HAND (HIV associate neurodegenerative disorder), PTSD, psychosis, depression, mania, ANI, MND, HIV associated dementia (HAD), possible multifocal leukoencephalopathy (CMV origin, Toxoplasma encephalitis, diffused myelin pallor, opportunistic infections, and neurosyphilis (Jarisch Herxheimer reaction). Geometry: Part I: RBC, Platelets, WBC: p47-56; Part II: blood velocity, and function, Table 2.1; 2,2; 2.3; p63; ISBN 9780128024089; Governing Equations: Part A: CD,;; Part B: Keulegan – Carpenter Number equation: 𝝹=Vm/ƒoscD ; Clinical Data: Hemodynamics Hypnotic Trance: Before hypnotic induction: 120.65 mmHg / 79.84 mmHg (Derived ➜PP= 41 mmHg Normal; Derived ➜MAP=93mmHg); After hypnotic induction: 115.92 mmHg /76.16 mmHg; (Derived ➜PP= 40 mmHg Normal; Derived ➜MAP= 89 mmHG)). Heart rate before hypnotic induction: 86.16 / beats per minute (Derived ➜CO= 86.16 / beats per minute x 70ml/min=6029.8 ml/min); After hypnotic induction, to 78.89 beats per minute (Derived ➜CO=78.89/ beats per minute x 70 ml/min=5522.3ml/min). (Kurnia S,, (2021). Blood Pressure Control and Heart Rate: Effectiveness Brief Hypnotic Induction Methods on Adults. 10.2991/assehr.k.210423.004). Spirometry (Homeostasis): VT: 500 ml; IRV: 3100 ml; ERV: 1200 ml; VC: 4800 ml; RV: 1200 ml; A respiratory rate of 12 breaths/ minute, the minute ventilation = 12 x 500 = 6000 ml. alveoli alveolar ventilation (volume of air/min that actually reaches the alveoli) = 12 x 350 = 4200ml. Clinical correlation: The basis for correlating the sepsis, neurological(physiological/psychiatric) and hypnotic trance is that the hypnotic trance subject recovers to homeostasis provided abreaction not encountered by the subject as much as the sepsis, neurological - physiological/psychiatric patients with appropriate Dx, and Tx. Taken together, it is suggested that a decrease in capillary density observed in sepsis and en route to septic shock is a transient phenomenon implicit of a reversible loss of hemodynamic function, for patients Tx with SSSP-ERP-EGDT similar to that of SSSP-2 NCT0166370. Such patient cohort could possibly be reverted to sustain homeostasis in a patient-specific hypnotic suggestion(s), re-alert concluding with a reassuring-post hypnotic trans conversation (devoid of abreaction).