Objectives: Previous scholars have identified the need to increase diversity in medical education in terms of diversifying the student base, cultural competency curricula, and increasing health equity (Awosogba et al 2015; Sharma 2019; Hordjik 2019; Muntinga et al 2016). Establishing an intersectional theoretical framework, and other feminist theoretical frameworks, within medical education has been put forth, however literature indicates there are many obstacles in optimizing this implementation (Sharma 2019). In line with Bentabos et al (2014), we argue that much can be gained from addressing health equity at the biomedical undergraduate level, as healthcare is an institution of workers beyond the medical field (e.g. clinical research). Further, we posit that, given AAMC data points (AAMC Diversity in Medicine: Facts and Figures 2019), addressing diversity at the medical education level addresses the problem too late. Finally, the traditional medical education environment likely does not provide space to adequately develop a critical framing of cultural competency (Moore 2007; Muntinga et al 2016). As such, the purpose is to demonstrate how intersectional framing embedded within the Health Disparities track of a Biomedical Research Certificate provides a multidimensional analytical tool able to equip health amp; care workers, including future medical students to: (1) Increase a diversity minded environment in medical education. (2) Apply reflective and reflexive tools to professional and graduate biomedical aimed curricula thus impacting the organizational discourse overall.
Methods: Thematic analysis applied to Intersectional Methodology to identify the interaction of curricula content and scaffolded collaborative learning through the Research-Intensive Community (RIC) Model (Desai et al 2008). The major themes we seek to identify and reflect upon are the Guideposts of Intersectionality laid out by Collins and Bilge (2016). The research question we seek to answer is: how does intersectional curricula within the RIC model interact to create a reflexive lens that can identify and act on inequity at the micro, macro and meso level. Practical Implications: The framework provided here can supply a starting point of implementation that goes beyond an additive framework or simple gesture to intercategorization.