Session: 774 APS Teaching, Learning and Testing in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences II Poster Session
(774.23) Dramatization via Zoom to Teach Complex Concepts in Physiology
Monday, April 4, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E647
Helena Carvalho (VTCSOM), Patricia Halpin (University of New Hampshire at Manchester), Elke Scholz-Morris (Methodist College UnityPoint Health), Rosa Carvalho (Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro)
Our aim is to present DramaZoom as an innovative student-centered teaching method and to discuss how theater/drama improve comprehension of physiology concepts. In-person dramatization, that requires physical contact, was adapted into a series of physiology videos using dramatization to teach complex topics in endocrinology. Three instructors simultaneously collaborated with a drama teacher on Zoom at three different institutions to create the DramaZoom videos. In six videos, instructors mimic organs and body systems to teach hypothalamus-hypophysis interactions and the corresponding hormones. First year medical students at VTCSOM received a packet with six questionnaires corresponding to the six videos. Although students had no prior preparation or access to other material, they demonstrated significant (Plt;0.05) improvement from pre- to post-tests. Data from all pre- and post-tests combined (pre 65±2.2 and post 91±2.0) showed significant (plt;0.5) improvement in knowledge. Detailed results show for Hypothalamus-Hypophysis Relationship video pre 56±3.9, post 92±9.2; Neurohypophysis and Antidiuretic Hormone video pre 70±4, post 96±2.4; Growth Hormone and Adenohypophysis video pre 58±2.7, post 93±2.1; Adrenal Gland Cortex and Adenohypophysis video pre 72±5.7, post 95±2.0; Adenohypophysis and Thyroid video pre 58±7.0, post 88 ± 4.7; Steroid and Non-steroid Hormones video pre 83±5.9, post 93±4.8 (data given in percent of correct response ± SE). Students comments were very positive, stating that the videos were fun to watch, and they recommended them for visual learners. It was remarkable to observe immediate student engagement with peer discussion after they watched each video. In conclusion, DramaZoom videos provide a learning experience that creates an opportunity for a fun class that improves knowledge and leads to spontaneously student interactions. Future research will be done to investigate long-term retention of content.