Session: 746 APS Obesity, Nutrition, and Diabetes Poster Session
(746.13) Molecular, Biochemical and Physiological Studies on the Potential Influence of the Beta vulgaris Extract to Mitigate the Effect of Chemical Colorants of Food on Male Rats
Monday, April 4, 2022
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Poster Board Number: E382
Aly Okab (Institute of Graduate Stusied and Research Alexandria University), Sabah Elbanna (Institute of Graduate Stusied and Research Alexandria University), Khaled Khalil (Institute of Graduate Stusied and Research Alexandria University)
Presenting Author Institute of Graduate Stusied and Research Alexandria University
Synthetic food colorings as carmoisine (E122) contains the azo group (–N=N) that linked to the aromatic rings in the chemical molecular structures used as red color. Red beetroot (Beta vulgaris) - a natural antioxidant- is a rich plant source of nutrients that give tremendous health benefits, red beetroot includes anthocyanins and betalains, which are natural antioxidants and can protect against age-related diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential protective effects of Beta vulgaris extracts against Carmoisine induced oxidative damage among male rats. In this study animals were divided randomly into 6 groups (18 animals each). Hemoglobin significantly increased after 15 days in Red beetroot 10 mg/kg (B), Carmoisine low dose 50 mg/kg (CLD), and beetroot + carmoisine high dose 10 mg/kg + 100 mg/kg (BCHD), while decreased after 30 days in CHD and increased after 45 days in CHD, BCLD, and BCHD. While WBCs increased after 15 and 45 days but decreased after 30 days in all groups. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in blood plasma increased after 15 days in all groups, while, after 30 days, TBARS in blood plasma decrease in B, CLD, BCHD, whereas, TBARS in liver increased in all groups, and TBARS in testes increased in all groups except B. After 45 days TBARS in testes decreased in B, increased in CLD, CHD, and BCHD. Cytochrome b5 in liver increased after 15 days in all groups, except BCLD. Cytochrome P450 increased in all groups, while, after 30 days cytochrome b5 and cytochrome P450 decreased in BCLD. After 45 days cytochrome b5 increased in CHD, and decreased in BCLD. While, cytochrome P450 increased in CLD, CHD, and BCHD, and decreased in BCLD. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase in liver male rats after 15 days increased in all groups, while DNA breakage decreased in BCLD and BCHD, whereas, after 30 days catalase decreased in CLD and BCHD, and DNA breakage increased in CLD and decreased in BCHD, however, after 45 days SOD decreased in BCHD, catalase decreased in BCLD and BCHD, however DNA breakage increased in all groups except B. Catalase in testes of male rats after 15 days decreased in all groups except BCHD, however, testes DNA breakage decreased in B and CHD, while, after 30 days SOD increased in all groups, while catalase decreased in all groups except CHD, while, DNA breakage increased in CHD, but decreased in BCLD and BCHD, whereas, after 45 days catalase increased in all groups, DNA breakage decreased in B, BCLD, and BCHD, except, CLD and CHD.
From the present results it was concluded that Co-administration of beetroot decreased the oxidative stress in liver and testes and also prevent liver damage, also decreased DNA breakage.