Private Practice Prosthodontist Florida Prosthodontics Merritt Island, Florida
From treatment planning to design of definitive restorations, technologies are changing the processes used to treat patients. Starting with the digital acquisition of data through iOS, CBCT, and other software, treatment protocols have become more efficient and less time consuming, especially from single tooth to complex full arch implant fixed therapies. Workflows continue into the definitive phase of therapy with exciting applications from iOS to CAD/CAM and 3D printing technologies to allows clinicians to work with digital workflows efficiently to deliver predictable outcomes, shorter treatment time, higher case acceptance, and increased patient satisfaction.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
Recognize the importance of iOS scanning as the gateway to the digital therapeutic workflow
Gain insights into how to utilize digital data to create efficiencies in delivery of care
Identify ROI opportunities to leverage iOS to create economic value within a dental practice