Preclinical Models & Translational Research
Joey Yingjun Zhang, Bsc
Ph.D Candidate
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wun Chun Hui, MPhil (she/her/hers)
Senior Technician
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Teresa Tse, N/A, MbChB, FRCR, FHKCR, FHKAM
Department of Clinical Oncology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Gordon C.H. Tang, MBBS, MRCP
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
C.H. Wong, Ph.D (he/him/his)
Scientific Officer
The Chinese of University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Qian Tao, N/A, Ph.D
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Herbert H. Loong, MBBS, PDipMDPath, MRCP(UK), FRCP Edin, FHKCP, FHKAM(Medicine)
Clinical Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong