MMSc Global Health Candidate '23
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
I graduated from Wake Forest School of Medicine (MD) in May '22 and am currently studying global health at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden (MMSc), where I am focusing my research at the intersection of psychiatry and public health. At Wake Forest, I served as the psychiatry interest group co-president, was recognized as a co-winner for the Outstanding Medical Student in Psychiatry Award, was elected into the Gold Humanism Honor Society, and received the R.W. Pritchard History of Medicine Award. I am applying to psychiatry residency programs during the ERAS 2023 cycle and am interested in C-L psychiatry, BNNP, and forensic psychiatry subspecialties. Previously, I have published research in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, behavioral medicine, and public health. My interests within medicine are still evolving and currently include schizophrenia spectrum disorders, mood disorders, ECT/TMS, preventive medicine, genetics, LGBTQ+ health, and clinical ethics. I also have prior experience in journalism and have published medical and science reporting with national and local outlets.