Juvenile Justice Online was created to supply all School Administrators, Law Enforcement Officers, Juvenile Officers, Judges, and Attorneys with an alternative to Suspension, Expulsion, or Arrest. Juvenile Justice Online takes aspects of restorative justice and education transforming it into a robust online education tool designed guide children back onto the right path. This online Diversion tool can be used by juvenile officers and SRO's to give the child who’s made a poor choice an opportunity to learn from that mistake without entering the judicial system. Juvenile Justice Online operates as a completely customizable education and management system for SRO's and/or administrators who are guiding children who get caught up in Sexting and Cyber-Bullying. This approach ensures the child and their parent receives education and reform specific to the mistakes they have made. By introducing content aligned to each mistake (drugs abuse, sexting, truancy, and many more) the child experiences stories and examples related to their challenges. The system also supplies the Juvenile Officer with tools and a fully integrated learning management system (LMS) to assign writing assignments, research, Juvenile Justice Online educational videos, tasks, apology letters, and many other items to enrich the child’s education and ultimately transform a bad decision into revolutionary learning experience.