The Keys to Using Facial Recognition, AI, and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to Accelerate Lead Development in Child Crime Cases - Exhibitor Workshop (Clearview AI)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) reveals intelligence from publicly available data including social media, news articles, event photography, and more. In cases involving children, OSINT often holds the keys to justice since child victims lack traditional identification such as driver's licenses. Traditional methods for researching OSINT take time, and time is the one thing these child victims don't have. In this session, learn how AI-driven facial recognition technology that searches against OSINT delivers victim, suspect, associate and witness leads in seconds - creating an intelligence-driven path to the right OSINT leads. Workshop details will include:
How to deploy facial recognition in child crime cases to:
overcome challenges in identifying child victims
find the needle in the social media haystack
uncover leads within leads in child crime cases
accelerate the speed of investigations and time-to-justice for victims
This is an exhibitor workshop. No continuing education credits (CEUs) will be granted for this session. Attendees who complete evaluations for this session will be entered into a drawing for a gift card.