This presentation addresses psychological typologies or “profiles” of sex offenders and introduces the primary motivational pathways underlying deviant sexual behavior. The speaker will demonstrate where empirical research is at odds with commonly held beliefs about the population, and the practical implications of dispelling important myths surrounding risk assessment. The material presented in this workshop directly pertains to the investigation and prosecution of sex offenders, as well as the development of interviewing strategies; operational target prioritization; sex offender treatment and evaluation; and sex offender management.
Learning Objectives:
Better understand the etiology of deviant predilections and how they develop across the lifespan.
Identify and distinguish between diagnostic categories and be more informed about the criteria used in the field of mental health.
Identify commonly held myths about sexually-motivated crimes, especially crimes against children. Workshop participants will learn not only the correct “answers” to questions about sex offenders but also how misunderstandings about this population developed and why these myths are so pervasive.
Learn how typologies can be useful when investigating or interviewing sex offenders.
Learn about factors relevant to risk, including the advantages and limitations of actuarial risk assessment measures.