It is likely that more aquatic pediatric, abuse, punishment, sexual assault, and homicides are being missed than being caught. Attendees will learn about the different types of aquatic crimes against children, various dynamics, offender motivations, and types of offenders. The seventeen reasons why these crimes are easy to miss and misdiagnose will be presented with the goal of working together as a community to find solutions. The presenters will use case histories to take attendees on investigative journeys to learn what questions to ask and what evidence to document. The importance of MDTs will be discussed and the roles of such practitioners as law enforcement, medical personnel including forensic nurse examiners, CPS workers, and death investigators (medical examiners/coroners.) The presenters suggest that attendees also attend the workshop titled Asphyxiation Crimes Against Children as it forms a basis for this workshop.
Learning Objectives:
State and describe at least five types of Aquatic child maltreatment
Describe the signs and symptoms of nonfatal child maltreatment
List what needs to be documented in regard to aquatic child maltreatment