The presenters will detail the undercover investigative techniques and chatting strategies utilized to successfully locate, identify, and arrest suspects from all over the world. They will discuss the platforms used to locate the suspects, including the undercover dark web website they created. The presenters will discuss the undercover chatting techniques utilized to meet and identify suspects. They will discuss the undercover age-regressed photos utilized in their investigations and demonstrate the age-regression techniques utilized and the concepts behind them. The presenters will discuss several investigations they conducted. Each case and perpetrator are unique in their own way. In some cases the suspects traveled to meet the investigators, in other cases, the investigators traveled to meet the suspects. The one thing they all had in common, they wanted to pay to have sex with a child.
Learning Objectives:
Discover unique concepts and out-of-the-box ideas for undercover chatting investigations.
Learn the importance of high-quality age regression photos. Understand how intricate these photos become to all of your investigations and the role they play with your undercover persona.
Learn and understand the importance of establishing good rapport when chatting with suspects. Discover different chatting techniques and understand the proper times to deploy them.
Discover new ways to lend credibility and believability to your undercover personas.
Learn to overcome requests (i.e. pictures or videos) from suspects that may present an obstacle to an ICAC investigator.