This two-part session takes an in-depth look at the complexities of supervising and treating individuals who commit child sexual abuse. Drawn from more than fifty years of experience working with sex offenders, Dr. Tanner will examine how supervising agencies and treatment agencies can best work together. Topics covered will include, but are not limited to; mistakes we make, current and emerging modalities of supervision/treatment, emerging issues regarding digital offenders, grooming of professionals – losing track of case plans, understanding polygraph, Androgen Deprivation – good or bad, and estimating risk.
Learning Objectives:
Effectively utilize the six steps to avoid being groomed by probationers.
Understand the GLM/SRM-R model of sex offender supervision/treatment.
Set enforcable and appropriate supervision/treatment conditions.
Identify and establish appropriate nexus between conditions of digital behavior supervision and elements of the presenting charges.