Male victims can experience overwhelming gender bias when disclosing sexual abuse, whether their perpetrator is male or female. This workshop discusses male sexual victimization, the unique challenges men face, and the myths that keep male victims silent. It is both research-based and survivor-informed. The presenter will discuss how The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study validates what many professionals have long believed about both the frequency and the resulting trauma of male sexual victimization. Specific trauma-informed approaches to working with male victims—from disclosure to therapy will be examined. Resources for male survivors will also be shared.
Learning Objectives:
List three myths about sexual abuse and explain how these untruths can make it more difficult for male victims to seek help.
Describe “The Adverse Childhood Experiences” (ACE) Study findings on the frequency of male sexual victimization, the gender of the perpetrators, and the long-term effects on victims.
Give two examples of how to use “trauma-informed care” specifically to support male victims.