This presentation will recount Kevin’s own story of sexual exploitation at the hands of his soccer coach, Randy. But it will not be merely a retelling of the past. Instead, the presentation will address lessons learned from his case by combining his personal experience both as a victim and a long-time prosecutor of child exploitation cases. Knowing what he knows now, Kevin believes there are lessons to be learned from his story for the investigator (Kevin’s was great), the prosecutor (Kevin’s was terrible), and the forensic interviewer (Kevin did not have one.) Beyond these (hopefully) useful lessons, the presentation will provide plenty of time for questions from attendees. Given the nature of our work, we don’t often get to ask questions (beyond factual questions) of our child victims. This presentation will provide that opportunity.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to better understand the challenges facing victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Upon completion, participants will be able to apply one case study to learn effective techniques for communicating with victims.
Upon completion, participants will be able to answer many common questions those in the child abuse have for victims of childhood sexual abuse but are often unable, or unwilling to ask.
Upon completion, participants will be able to better understand the awesome responsibility facing those professionals who do this work.
This session will challenge the participants to reevaluate their commitment to working in this field.