Research Fellow
Griffith university, Australia
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Dr Rhys Pritchard MMR, PhD, XLabS, School of Pharmacy and Medical Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast
Completed a Master’s of Medical Research and Doctorate of Philosophy, Medical Science at Griffith University, Gold Coast, focusing on hypoxic factors and their role in melanoma malignancy and novel drug treatments for metastatic melanoma and breast cancers. Has since worked for the Experimental Laboratory Science (XLabS) group focusing on catheter material blood interactions, venous and arterial thrombus composition and models for testing novel device interactions ex-vivo using human whole blood samples. Current consultancy includes work with Becton Dickinson (BD) and BBraun. Areas of expertise are medical imaging, haemodynamics of device compatibility and thromboelastometry, histology, tissue culture and ex-vivo experimentation with human whole blood.