University of Southern California
Dr. Hung is a surgeon scientist who specializes in robotic surgery for diseases of the kidney and prostate. His research interests include the development of artificial intelligence methods to improve surgeon skills assessment and training.
Dr. Hung received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors from Yale University, and completed his medical education at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University with honors in research. Dr. Hung completed his urology residency at the University of Southern California, and he stayed at USC for a fellowship in advanced laparoscopy and robotics.
Dr. Hung is internationally recognized as a leader in the development of innovative surgical simulation and assessment technologies. To train the next generation of urologic surgeons, he developed the first-ever procedure-specific simulation for robotic surgery (Mimic Maestro AR – Partial Nephrectomy). Supported by both industry (Intuitive Surgical) and the National Institutes of Health (NCI-R01CA251579 & NCI-R01CA273031), Dr. Hung has also become a leading innovator in the development of automated performance metrics for robotic surgery. His collaboration with data scientists at USC and Caltech has harness deep learning algorithms to better predict robotic surgical outcomes and automate surgeon skills assessment.
Dr. Hung has produced almost 200 papers on surgical assessment and training in leading journals, including the Nature Medicine, JAMA Surgery, and Journal of Urology. He served as the first Consulting Editor on Artificial Intelligence for the British Journal of Urology International. He currently serves on the AUA Research Grants and Investigator Support Committee.
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Saturday, May 14, 2022
7:00 AM – 8:15 AM