Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Nadia Markie Sneed is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Vanderbilt University and is supported by the Vanderbilt Patient/pRactice Outcomes Research in Effectiveness and Systems Science Training Program (AHRQ Grant Number: 1 T32 HS026122). She attended the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where she completed her undergraduate training in nutrition. She then went on to pursue a career in nursing and attended Samford University in Birmingham where she earned her BSN and MSN. She attended the University of Alabama, Birmingham where she earned her PhD in nursing. Dr. Sneed is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with experience in primary and urgent care. Her research focuses on the development and implementation of family-based dietary lifestyle interventions for prediabetes management in adults that also addresses multi-generational solutions for type 2 diabetes prevention in at-risk children.