Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Clifton W. Callaway, MD, PhD, Professor and Vice-Chair of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh attended Harvard University, received his MD, PhD in Neurosciences from the University of California, San Diego, and trained in Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, he is Professor, Vice-Chair, and Ronald D. Stewart Endowed Chair in Emergency Medicine Research at the University of Pittsburgh. His research is particularly focused on improving brain recovery after resuscitation. Dr. Callaway is an investigator for the Resuscitations Outcome Consortium, the Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trial network, and the new SIREN emergency research trial network. Clinical activities include a post-resuscitation care team to provide systematic care of patients who have been resuscitated with CPR. He is immediate past chair of the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Committee and past co-chair of the Advanced Life Support Task Force for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).