Director, Center for Vascular Emergencies, Department of Emergency Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Christopher Kabrhel MD MPH is a practicing emergency physician and Director of the Center for Vascular Emergencies at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) with more than 15 years of experience performing research into the epidemiology, diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. He is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Harvard Emergency Medicine Residency Program and is currently an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kabrhel's research is funded by the National Institutes of Health, as well as private foundations and industry. He coordinates venous thromboembolism research for the Nurses’ Health Study at Channing Network Medicine at the Health Professionals Follow Up Study at the TH Chan Harvard School of Public Health where he focuses on genetic epidemiology and population risk factors for VTE. To further this work, he co-founded the International Network for Venous Thromboembolism research. In addition to epidemiology, his current work focuses on clinical risk-stratification and novel care delivery methods for patients with acute PE. In 2012, Dr. Kabrhel co-founded the MGH Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT), the first such team in the world as well as the PERT Consortium, a collaboration between PERTs in the United States, South America, Europe and Asia. Dr. Kabrhel chairs the research committee for the MGH PERT, is past chair of the PERT Consortium research committee and is on the PERT Consortium Board of Directors.