Chief and Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
San Francisco, California, United States
Dr. Maria C. Raven is a practicing emergency medicine physician and health services researcher and is the Chief of Emergency Medicine at UCSF and a Vice Chair in the UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine. She co-directs the Section of Social Emergency Medicine and Health Equity and is a Faculty Advisor to the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative. Maria researches and speaks locally and nationally about caring for complex populations, frequent emergency department users, and the link between homelessness and health. She has published and peer reviewed extensively on these and other topics. A graduate of UC Berkeley and the Oregon Health and Sciences University for her MH/MPH, she completed her residency training and Master’s in Clinical Research at the NYU/Bellevue Hospital Center. She is co-editor of the first Social Emergency Medicine textbook and works on multiple funded initiatives to address social and behavioral needs in EDs. Since March 2020, she has focused on ED operations, preparedness, program implementation and and faculty development in the face of COVID-19, and related research including a multi-site CDC/NIOSH funded study on N95 reuse.