Surgery Resident
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York, United States
Luis I. Ruffolo, MD currently a third year general surgery resident in the Department of Surgery and the University of Rochester Medical Center, having recently completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the Center for Tumor Immunology under the mentorship of David C. Linehan, MD. His focus in the lab was the development of translatable immunotherapies through pre-clinical testing in mouse models of pancreas and liver cancer. His lab work identifying susceptible therapeutic targets in cholangiocarcinoma was recently published in Gut, and his preclinical rational for a novel therapeutic trial in metastatic pancreatic cancer forms the basis for NCT05102721, funded by a $1.5 M award Dr. Ruffolo won through ASCO/Gateway Discovery. His career interests include transplant surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, transplant oncology, cancer immunotherapy, health disparities, and healthcare quality improvement.