Clinical Psychologist
Private Practice
Longmont, CO, United States
Dr. Maves is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, practicing in Longmont, Colorado since 1982, specializing in the treatment of complex trauma and dissociative disorders. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder and the former Assistant Director of the Emergency Psychiatric Service of Boulder. He was the Clinical Director of Adams Community Mental Health Center and developed and was the Clinical Director of Centennial Peak’s Hospital’s Trauma and Dissociative Disorders Treatment Program. He was the Clinical Director of Columbine Hospital’s National Trauma Center. Dr. Maves has served as a Practice Monitor for the Grievance Board, State of Colorado and was an oral licensing examiner for the Colorado State Board of Psychologist Examiners, Department of Regulatory Agencies. Dr. Maves is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences on the treatment of complex trauma, dissociative disorders, traumatic brain injuries and military trauma. He is a Clinical Instructor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, supervising Ph.D. graduate students in Clinical Psychology. He is a Fellow and former Board member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, a Diplomate in Clinical Forensic Counseling and a member of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation. Dr. Maves currently serves as the Co-Chair of ISSTD's Regional and Virtual Committee and will soon become the Chair of ISSTD's Professional Training Program, where he also serves as an instructor ofr Professional Training Program's instruction sequences. Dr. Maves is also a long-standing member of ISSTD's Finance Committee and recently received the ISSTD Presidential Award of Distinction.