Resident, PGY-4
San Antonio Military Medical Center
Converse, Texas, United States
Benjamin K. Walters, MD, PGY-4 resident at San Antonio Military Medical Center. Born in Seattle, WA, completed undergraduate studies in Spanish Translation at Brigham Young University in 2014. Completed a two-year proselyting mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santiago, Chile between 2009-2011. Attended University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine from 2014-2018 on an Air Force health professions scholarship, during which time the University of Alabama football team won two national championships. Currently a fourth-year Otolaryngology resident at San Antonio Military Medical Center. Married with three children, ages 5 (Henry), 3 (Louis), and 1 (Sally). Hobbies include running, pickup basketball, and reading fantasy, biography and spiritual novels.