Clinical Nurse Specialist
St. Charles Healthcare
Redmond, Oregon, United States
Brenda G. Larkin is a Clinical Nurse Specialist for perioperative services at St. Charles Health System, Bend, Oregon. She has been a Perioperative CNS since 1996. She was formerly with the Advocate Aurora Healthcare organization as the Perioperative Clinical Nurse Specialist for 2 Community Hospitals and an ASC. Brenda had been a lead facilitator for the Advocate-Aurora OR Clinical Nurse Specialist Specialty Workgroup from 2003 to 2020.She has served 2 terms as a Director on the AORN Board, and is now a candidate for President-Elect. She has been a member of AORN Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter 5001 since 2002 and a member of e-Chapter and AORN Columbia River Chapter since 2020. Brenda has also served as a Clinical Nurse Specialist adjunct faculty for 6 advanced practice nursing students from Milwaukee area colleges.