Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) model is a complex biomathematical object representing our knowledge about structure and regulations of a biological system and PK/PD of a drug in terms of equations and parameter values. The model is primarily calibrated against available in vitro and in vivo data and then validated against in vivo and clinical data to provide coincidence of simulated response to a therapy with that measured clinically. Most of the data used for calibration/validation are available in public domain in form of quantitative information published in scientific articles. On the way of QSP model development a modeler may encounter substantial (technical) difficulties while working with quantitative data extracted from multiple sources. Indeed, in vitro data characterizing effect of regulatory molecules on cell dynamics processes should be converted to values of corresponding model parameters and ranges of the parameters should be estimated for proper description of variability in patient response. Baseline in vivo cytokine and cell concentrations are often measured in different units and for different patient groups with various demographic and disease-associated characteristics. These features make it difficult to directly use the in vitro data and baseline in vivo data for calibration of a QSP model. To cope with the difficulties and facilitate access of QSP modelers to (1) published in vitro and baseline in vivo data expressed in unified units (pM for molecules and kcell/L for cells), (2) values and ranges of model parameters calculated on the basis of in vitro data, and (3) ranges of baseline cell/cytokine concentrations estimated on the basis of in vivo human data, we have developed 2 online databases and initiated their continuous filling with new data extracted from scientific literature.
fIVE (from In Vitro Experiment) DB is a database collecting human quantitative in vitro data on regulations of cell dynamics processes and automatically calculating values of parameters describing the regulations of cell dynamics processes with cytokines and other molecules (https://5db.insysbio.com/).
CYTOCON (Cell and cYTokine CONcentration) DB is a database of human baseline concentrations of cytokines and cells measured in vivo in different tissues of healthy subjects and patients suffering from various pathologies (https://cytocon.insysbio.com/). In framework of the session, we will present the tools and demonstrate how they can be used for the purposes of QSP modeling.
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