US Food and Drug Administration
Jing Wang Ph.D. received her Bachelor of Science degree in 2009 and her Master of Science degree in 2011, both in the Biomedical Engineering major, from the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 2015. After her graduation, she worked in the Duquesne University as a visiting assistant professor for 1 year. Then Dr. Wang worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center D.C. and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The Catholic University of America between 2019 to 2020, after her 2 years maternity leave. Her previous research mainly focused on developing technology applications for people with neurological impairments and using kinematic and statistical analysis of biomechanical systems in clinical trials to evaluate these applications. Dr. Wang joined the Division of Quantitative Methods and Modeling of ORS OGD as an ORISE Fellow in October 2020 and she worked on multiple projects including data imputation methodology for clinical trials and incorporating machine learning algorithms to enhance product-specific guidance (PSG) review efficiency and bioequivalence (BE) assessment.