Located in Asheville, NC, Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) is the knowledge hub for addiction medicine and technical assistance in Western North Carolina and a national leader in medical education and clinical practice for the treatment of opioid use disorder in primary care settings. Our faculty have created a strong and supportive curriculum to ensure physicians are comfortable and knowledgeable in treating substance use disorders in primary care settings. Our fellowship provides a unique opportunity to practice team-based care across a variety of settings and populations. The goal of our fellowship is to train physicians to provide addiction treatment services in rural and medically underserved communities in Western North Carolina where these services are needed most and overdose rates are higher than state and national averages and rising. Fellows will train at inpatient and outpatient sites that provide treatment and recovery services for vulnerable populations. Interdisciplinary training includes medical detoxification, pharmacotherapy, motivational interviewing, psychosocial approaches, harm reduction, 12-step facilitation, working with peer support specialists, and providing consultative services. Upon successful completion of our program, fellows will be well prepared to apply for board certification and practice in addiction medicine.
Mountain Area Health Education Center
123 Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28801