Sky Factory is the American fine arts and technology company behind the world’s only research-verified illusions of nature™. The company’s multisensory portals create therapeutic views of nature that enliven our innate, hard-wired need to affiliate with living systems.
Sky Factory’s unique framework integrates visual content into architectural context, altering the observer’s sense of scale (in artificial interiors) from one of confinement to one of genuine relief. When the viewer experiences a visceral connection to a simulated natural exterior, he/she experiences the automatic “Relaxation Response” we experience in natural environments.
Sky Factory’s family of Luminous SkyCeilings™ create the highest quality, simulated views to nature available.
The company’s digital cinematography portals, including the newly redesigned SkyView™— featuring unedited sequences of open skies; eScape™— landscape and seascape scenes; and eSea™—a virtual aquarium.
Sky Factory’s Digital Cinema systems are the only ones with feature-length Full HD or 4K scenes (average scene 60+ min.).