Our workshop gives hiring managers/supervisors a deeper look at how they make judgments when evaluating candidates. From unconscious biases to inequitable backgrounds, there are many factors that may affect a candidate’s ability to make deeper connections with interviewers. Inclusive hiring is about more than acknowledging our biases. It's about developing tools for removing them from the process. In this session, attendees will work through a real-world scenario to help them examine their unconscious biases while learning to make informed judgments when evaluating candidates. Participants will increase their skillsets with an interactive workshop that helps them hire qualified people and reduce bias.
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to identify and remove unconscious bias from the interview process
Learn how to improve their evaluation skills when interviewing candidates.
Gain skills that help them give candidates a fair assessment based on their backgrounds, abilities, and strengths.
Experience the benefit of cohort-based learning and diversity of thought when interviewing job candidates.