Vet Specialists on Demand (VSOD) is your App-based solution to collaborative medicine, connecting primary care veterinarians to veterinary specialists for case and general consultations. Consultations are either on-demand or scheduled, and our App enables chat, audio, video, and file-sharing to enable efficient and accurate consultations to proceed to completion. Collaborative medicine with VSOD helps facilitate the consultation process from your referral population, making your clinical schedule more manageable and prioritized for those cases that need you most. Additionally, consulting with us not only provides you with strong financial incentives, but it is also completely flexible - you consult when you want and how much you want! Join VSOD and our team of over 270 clinical specialists with no commitment, and get paid to do what you already do every day, all the while helping improve your quality of life and the quality of life of your colleagues and referring population!
Vet Specialists on Demand
2123 NW 14th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32605