Psychology for the Body
Woodmere, New York, United States
Ari Ginsberg, PT, DPT, MSIOP is the CEO and founder of Psychology for the Body, an education and consulting company dedicated to helping healthcare organizations reduce burnout, improve leadership, and optimize the patient experience. Ari has a unique background as a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a Master of Science degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He is an experienced educator offering unique courses and workshops through his own company as well as many others. Additionally, he has taught for various professional organizations and was a guest lecturer at several Doctor of Physical Therapy programs. He is passionate about sharing insights about psychology with both healthcare administrators and clinicians on topics including reducing clinician burnout, improving the patient experience, motivating patients, emotional intelligence, and ethics. Ari's workshops are innovative, interactive, and thought provoking. He looks forward to meeting you at his next workshop.
Psychology for the Body (Products/Services: No) (Ownership Interest)
Monday, November 7, 2022
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Friday, November 11, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM