Physical Therapist
UofL Health
LaGrange, Kentucky, United States
Dr. Kristina Kirk is a physical therapist accredited by the APTA as a Neurological Clinical Specialist as well as a Certified Brain Injury Specialist practicing in the inpatient rehabilitation setting at Frazier Rehabilitation in Louisville, KY. With her neurologic emphasis, she is the physical therapy leader who works with an interdisciplinary team to improve quality and application of evidence-based practices in the facility’s disorders of consciousness program. Dr. Kirk is also an APTA certified clinical instructor for PT students from various universities in her inpatient setting. Her role as the physical therapy liaison for the RETAIN KY program include providing in-services and resources to employees throughout the UofL Health network as well as working with an inter-disciplinary team to assist to increase referrals and spread awareness about the RETAIN program.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM