Occupational Therapist
Children's Health
Colleyville, Texas, United States
Stefanie Rogers, MOT, OTR, graduated from Texas Woman’s University in Houston in 2002 and has worked in pediatric post-acute rehabilitation and acute-care settings since that time. Her primary areas of interest include early mobility, the medically fragile child, neuroprotective and client-centered development, pediatric cardiac rehabilitation, and education. She is currently a PhD candidate at TWU with a focus on research and examination of occupational therapy's current and potential role in both congenital and acquired heart conditions, how those conditions can affect an individual throughout their lifespan, and the development of a pediatric cardiac rehabilitation protocol and program. Her career goal is to develop a Pediatric Cardiac Therapy Conceptual Framework that bridges the gap between traditional exercise/lifestyle modification-based adult cardiac rehabilitation protocols and the needs of children with chronic heart conditions. There is a need for innovation regarding standardized pediatric cardiac-specific habilitative and rehabilitative care because children who grow up with heart conditions exhibit global functional and lifespan challenges that impact how they effectively participate in life. Her research focuses on pursuing knowledge regarding how occupational therapy and other rehabilitation professionals can promote adaptation, resiliency, and self-advocacy to optimize lifespan functional outcomes and participation in wanted and needed occupations of children and families impacted by pediatric heart disease.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
12:45 PM – 2:00 PM