Neuropsychologist, Head of
Videnscenter for Neurorehabilitering Neurocentret, Righospitalet., Denmark
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Anne Norup is an associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark and is head of Knowledge and Research Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. Anne Norup has worked as a clinician and researcher within neurorehabilitation for many years.
Most of her published research has examined the impact of traumatic brain injury on the family, needs and burdens in the family after brain injury, psychosocial effects of TBI in adolescents and s current and ongoing research interest is fatigue after brain injury and
exploring possible interventions. Currently, Anne is the principle investigator of a research study investigating the effects of a manualized intervention program to families living with the consequences of TBI or spinal cord injury. Recently, Anne Norup has been appointed as
the head of a newly founded Knowledge and Research Centre in Neurorehabilitation, Rigshospitalet, where she will be working dedicated to improving the cross-sectoral neurorehabilitation for patients with injury to the brain or spinal cord.