Research Associate
Pacific Neuroscience Institute
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
NAME: Ryan Glatt
POSITION TITLE: Brain Health Coach, Research Associate
EDUCATION/TRAINING Master’s of Applied Neuroscience, Bachelor’s of Exercise Science, Certified Personal Trainer, National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION: Pacific Neuroscience Institute, Santa Monica, CA, 90404
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Exercise Science
Moorpark College, Moorpark, CA
King’s College of London, London, UK
Applied Neuroscience
Concordia University of Chicago
Health & Exercise Science
A. Personal Statement
I am a certified personal trainer and board-certified health coach with over a decade of experience in the health and fitness industry. I have experience and passion in the intersection of health sciences and applied neuroscience, currently delivering brain health coaching and cognitive-motor exercise interventions at the Pacific Brain Health Center in Santa Monica, California for patients with memory loss, MCI, cognitive concerns, dementia, MS, and Parkinson’s Disease.
I have pursued a variety of certifications in the health and fitness industry primarily geared towards special populations with neurological insults, such as concussion, dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, and stroke. My interest is in utilizing innovative technologies, such as Virtual Reality and exergames, to deliver cognitive-motor dual-tasking interventions to improve the functional, cognition, and overall quality of life for populations with neurological insults and concerns.
I have participated in research projects with physicians and clinical researchers here at the Pacific Brain Health Center for approximately four years, assisting in the coordination, design, and delivery of lifestyle and cognitively-enhanced exercise sessions in populations with and without cognitive impairment. I currently consult with various technology companies, primarily in the areas of Virtual Reality and exergaming, to assist in creating practical and scalable programming and solutions for clinical settings, fitness centers, and the home setting.
As a skilled interventionist in delivering cognitive-motor dual-tasking and exercise interventions, I will be helping to design and deliver exergame-based virtually-delivered cognitive-motor dual-tasking interventions for both cognitively impaired and non-impaired older adults at the Pacific Brain Health Center. My role as a Psychometrist has allowed me to understand and deliver cognitive testing, QEEG, and various assessments in both clinical and research settings.
B. Positions and Honors
2011-2012 Moorpark College Fitness Specialist
2011-2012 Personal Trainer, 24 Hour Fitness
2012-2014 Group Fitness Instructor, California Lutheran University
2014-2016 Physiotherapy Assistant, Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, Gambia
2016-2017 Director of Health, Urban Golf Performance
2016 Research Assistant, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine
2017-2019 Director of Health & Wellness, Peak Brain Institute
2018 - Director of Programming, SMARTfit Inc.
2018 - Psychometrist, Brain Health Coach, & Cognitive Fitness Instructor, Pacific Brain Health Center
C. Contributions to Science
1. Glatt, R., Haas, R., Hill, M., Rider, J., & Kelly, L. A. (2014). Determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Toddlers: 1909 Board# 195 May 29, 330 PM-500 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5S), 518-519.
2. McEwen, S.C., Merrill, D.A., Bramen, J., Porter, V., Panos, S., Kaiser, S., Hodes, J., Ganapathi, A., Bell, L., Bookheimer, T. and Glatt, R., 2021. A systems-biology clinical trial of a personalized multimodal lifestyle intervention for early Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 7(1), p.e12191.
3. Chua, L.K., Chung, Y.C., Bellard, D., Swan, L., Gobreial, N., Romano, A., Glatt, R., Bonaguidi, M.A., Lee, D.J., Jin, Y. and Liu, C.Y., 2021. Gamified Dual-Task Training for Individuals with Parkinson Disease: An Exploratory Study on Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), p.12384.
4. (Pending) Aarthi Ganapathi, BA; Tess Bookheimer, BA; Emily Popa, MS; Ryan Glatt, MS, CPT, NBHWC CPT, Verna Porter, MD, Claudia Wong, RN, Prabha Siddarth, PhD; Morgan Ingemanson, PhD; David Merrill, MD, PhD*; Jennifer Bramen, PhD (2022). Diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) using quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) features combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumes in a “real world” clinical setting.”
5. (Pending) Jennifer E. Bramen, PhD; Emily Popa, MS; Molly K. Rapozo, MS, RDN; Prabha Siddarth, PhD. John F. Hodes, BS; Aarthi Ganapathi, BA; Colby Slyapich, BA; Ryan Glatt, MS, CPT, NBHWC, CPT; Verna R. Porter, MD; PhD; Claudia Wong, MSN, RN, FNP-BC; Susan Y. Bookheimer, PhD; *Jared C. Roach, MD, PhD; David A. Merrill, MD, PhD (2022). Net carbohydrate consumption is associated with cortical thickness in cognitively impaired older adults with confirmed amyloid burden
D. Additional Information: Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance
2014 Swenson Research Fellow, California Lutheran University
2015 Co-development of a Virtual Reality-based rehabilitation platform, VRecover
2016 Development of a Virtual Reality-based exergame prototype “Aptus”, Big Red Button Game
2017 Consultant to develop a Microsoft Kinect-based 3D scanning system for postural analysis, Styku
2017 Applying sports wearable to real-time feedback fitness applications utilizing, Blast Motion
2018 Consultant in developing cognitive-motor training interventions for SMARTfit training devices
2019 Creation of the Brain Health Trainer course, an education course for fitness professionals
2020 Consultant and co-development of interactive physical activity & cognitive exercise (iPACES)
2020 Co-development of virtual reality dual-task exergames, JoiRide and RendeverFit
2021 Co-development of gait-based exergame assessments on BlueGoji Infinity Treadmill