Senior Research Scientist
Kessler Foundatoin
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Peii Chen, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist and the Intellectual Property Liaison at Kessler Foundation and a Research Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Trained as an experimental cognitive psychologist, Dr. Chen started out her postdoctoral career in 2007 and became a neurorehabilitation scientist with the focus on spatial cognition and its disorders after brain injury, especially stroke. Her career has been focused on the study of spatial neglect, its related disorders, and its related inter-personal consequences such as family caregivers' burden and stress. In 2017, she is awarded a Distinguished Switzer Research Fellowship by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). She is the lead developer of the Kessler Foundation Neglect Assessment Process (KF-NAP®), Prism Adaptation Treatment (KF-PAT®), and Spatial Retraining Therapy (KF-SRT®). She is currently designing and developing new interventions for spatial neglect using extended reality (XR) technology.