Associate Professor
Texas Woman's University
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Dr. Lin is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Physical Therapy, Dallas Campus, Texas Woman's University. . Dr. Lin serves as a manuscript reviewer for several journals, including Gait & Posture, European Journal of Physiotherapy, and Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Lin also reviews grant proposals for external programs, including the Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program of the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. She is currently an Associate Editor of the Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. Her expertise is in the area of applied exercise physiology, cardiopulmonary physical therapy, exercise testing with metabolic gas analysis, and exercise prescription. Her research interests include performance, gait, and energy minimization in amputees, the utility of the Six-Minute Walk Test in amputees, inspiratory muscle training in individuals with heart failure, and health promotion for people with chronic conditions or disability. Her current research projects include: (1) Workout on Wheels Internet Intervention (WOWii) in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury and (2) the usability and the effectiveness of a self-care mobile app in individuals with heart failure.